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Process for Writing a Bug Report Template


QA Teams can use this to help write bug reports for developers. Follow the cards to create your bug report.

Create a title

Include a title for the report that represents the error code for the bug, and when it occurs (ex: Error 9D64 when saving results)

What is the chosen title for the Bug Report?

User will type answer here...

Identify the product

Specify the name of the product that the bug is occurring in (software name and version):

User will type answer here...

Confirm the classification

Your team will likely already have classification designations for bugs. (ex. Minor Bug, Big Bug, Feature Request, Annoyance...)

Classification of the bug:

User will type answer here...

Give a description of the bug and documentation

Bug Description:

User will type answer here...

Customer testimonial if found in live version of product:

User will type answer here...

Documentation of bug (video, screenshot, etc...)

upload image
User will upload a file

Environment of Occurance:

User will type answer here...

Steps to Reproduce:

User will type answer here...

What should happen instead:

User will type answer here...

Actual Result:

User will type answer here...

Identify the severity

Severity of impact by Bug?

  • Blocker
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Trivial
  • Enhancement