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Customer Complaint Followup Template


Use this template to Followup with customers who have voiced concerns that need to be addressed.

Customer Information

Customer name:

User will type answer here...

Phone number:

User will type answer here...


User will type answer here...

Method of communication used in followup:

User will type answer here...

Complaint Background

What was the customer's complaint about?

User will type answer here...

What background information is pertinent to know before contacting the customer for followup?

User will type answer here...

Is there documentation that may help with the follow up call?

upload image
User will upload a file

Are there specific instructions from management as to how to handle the issue?

User will type answer here...

What is the expected reaction from the customer?

User will type answer here...

Follow-up Communication Notes

What was the date in which the follow up was conducted?

What was the date of the initial complaint?

What was the proposed solution to the complaint?

User will type answer here...

How did the customer react to the solution?

User will type answer here...

Did the customer have additional demands?

User will type answer here...

Will there be another follow-up call? If so, pertaining to what?

User will type answer here...