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Real Estate Sales Template

Real Estate

This template is to help walk the agent through the sales process.

Start Form

Fill out this information to start the sales process.

1. Proprietor's name:

User will type answer here...

2. Proprietor's email:

User will type answer here...

Property address:

User will type answer here...

Property type:

  • Apartment
  • Commercial Unit
  • Condominium
  • Co-op
  • House
  • Industrial Real-Estate
  • Vacant Land
  • Office
  • Townhouse

Property Photos

upload image
User will upload a photo


Used to choose the realtor to work on sale.


User will type answer here...



  • Include in Sales Listing
  • Include in Marketing
  • Conduct Private Viewings

Open House Date

Cleaning Date

Staging Date


Use this card to setup Negotiations for the property.

Prospective buyer:

User will type answer here...

Prospective buyer's email:

User will type answer here...

Prospective price:

User will type answer here...

Proposal terms:

User will type answer here...


Proprietor's validation

  • Approved
  • Approved with remarks
  • Rejected

Validation remarks:

User will type answer here...


Closing Checklist

  • Inspect property
  • Take off of the listing
  • Take off of the marketing
  • Ensure the contract exchange


Sale Complete!