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Work From Home Checklist Template

Employees / Staff

Used to optimize the work from home experience.

Think Before You Work

Think Before You Work

  • Can you handle working from home? This question is tougher than it sounds: Try a few "practice days" before you make your final decision
  • Will you be working from home occasionally, part-time, or full-time? This will affect both your ultimate decision and possibly your approach to the task, as well as any budgeting concerns
  • Make a list of the pros and cons. Will you be saving money, or spending more on office supplies? If you're a freelancer, you'll have to open an IRA, and also consider health insurance. These factors should all be taken into consideration.\

Home Office Essentials

Home Office Essentials

  • A quiet room or personal area with enough space for all your supplies (this should be separate or partitioned off from the rest of your home, a place where you can work undisturbed)
  • A laptop or desktop computer
  • A desk and comfortable desk chair
  • Pens, pencils, and any other necessary writing tools
  • Legal pads or notebooks; paper
  • Memo pads/sticky notes
  • Printer and paper
  • Dry-erase board with markers
  • Bulletin board with pins
  • Filing cabinet with file folders may be necessary if you run a business out of your home
  • Specialty tools of your trade, (This could be a draft board with a place to stash blueprints, or a dressmaker's dummy), whatever it is you need for your job, you should make sure you have it!

Work Effectively from Home

Work Effectively from Home

  • Ensure your work space is conducive to working (this sounds like a no-brainer but if you don't set up an office environment that allows you to comfortably work and stay focused you won't be as productive)
  • Schedule your day
  • Track your time
  • Avoid checking personal email or visiting social networking sites during work hours
  • Stay connected
  • Take short breaks
  • Change your scenery