Take care of plants
Using plants to promote a clean and green office
Promote the use of personal plants for employees
Add larger plants to outdoor decks
Open blinds on sunny days to encourage plant growth
Water all plants regularly
Encourage healthier options
Food and Wellbeing use for a green office
Encourage staff to use the stairs instead of the elevator and to take walks on breaks
Offer reusable plates for lunch and snack purposes to prevent paper and plastic waste
Use cleaning supplies that are Green Seal Certified
Do not provide bottled water
Provide filtered water
Offer healthy snacks
Offer fair trade coffee
Encourage sustainable office materials
Task list
Offer recycling for all paper materials
Dispose of any electronic materials through Environmental Health and Safety programs
Use rechargeable batteries throughout the office
Order printing paper that was created from recycled materials
Encourage healthier traveling habits
Travelling Tips for keeping a Green Office
Encourage employees to use public transit or to car pool even if it means getting to work 15 minutes later
If company vehicles are used, consider investing in fuel efficient vehicles